e-filing — January 04, 2018

Filing Your Taxes Before the IRS Opens and Why It’s a Good Idea

by Susannah McQuitty

File your taxes on a tablet over coffee.

If you pay attention to tax news like we do (tax nerds unite!), you’re probably aware that the IRS typically starts processing tax returns in mid-to-late January. However, tax software applications like 1040.com can let taxpayers prepare and complete their returns even sooner, starting in early January. These “filed” returns sit in a queue until the IRS starts accepting returns.

So why would you file early just to have your tax return sitting in a stockpile, waiting for the IRS to start processing?

Get your taxes behind you

Hey, if you have your tax documents together (like W-2s, especially if your employer offers them online), there’s no reason to wait. Filing your return as soon as you have all the necessary information means you can check a big-ticket item off your 2018 to-do list. Goodbye, tax-deadline stress!

Also, if you get hit with a surprise and find out you have to pay more taxes to Uncle Sam instead of collecting a refund, you’ll have plenty of time to figure out how you’re going to cover it before April 15.

Get one step closer to your refund

Over 130 million tax returns will be filed this year. To be one of the first in line, finish early and choose e-file. As soon as the IRS receives and approves your e-filed return, any refund you’re owed will get the green light to head your way (unless you claim the EITC or CTC, then it gets the green light in mid-February at the earliest).

Early filing means you’ll get your refund sooner, plain and simple.

A laptop open to 1040.com, ready to file your taxes

Keep your tax info secure

Filing early is a foolproof way to keep tax frauds from filing a return in your name. Even if someone has your information—Social Security Number, tax identification number, whatever—they can’t file a false return if you’ve already submitted one.

Once the IRS receives and accepts a return with your unique ID (Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number), any other filing attempts fail. Finishing early means your chances of losing out to a fraudster drop significantly.

So when does 1040.com open?

Mark it on your calendar: 1040.com will be opening on January 8. As soon as 1040.com opens and you have your tax info, you can use our easy interview to file your taxes in a hurry and get your return in line.

We’ll send your tax return to the IRS as soon as they start accepting returns. Oh, and along the way we’ll guarantee 100% accurate calculations and your biggest possible refund. Start off your new year on the right foot: File your taxes early with 1040.com!

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