your tax return, tax tips — April 16, 2021

Your Tax-Filing Gym Bag—What to Grab Before You File

by Susannah McQuitty

A functional fitness athlete prepping the weights for a workout

If you’re anything like our fitness fans here at, packing your gym bag is a big deal and one to make sure you get right! Do I have all of my shoes? Did I put my knee sleeves back in my bag? Worst of all, where are my grips?

Let’s face it: CrossFitters are some of the most giant gear heads in the world. We love our gear! We love it for multiple reasons, but a big reason is how it plays into our workouts. We need different shoes for different WOD’s, weight belts = GAINS, and grips; don’t even get me started. One … more … rep … ! Each piece of gear helps us be faster, lift heavier, and be more efficient in the gym.

Wait for it, wait for it! Yep, here comes the hard pivot.

Filing your taxes is no different. To file faster, get your maximum refund, and be more efficient, it’s super important to have all your gear ready to go.

Inside the tax gym, the bag looks more like this:

  • Personal identification numbers
  • Income source documents (W-2 or 1099-NEC)
  • Interest and dividend statements (if you have them)
  • Bank account number and RTN for direct deposit or payment
  • Mortgage information, if you own a home
  • A list of charitable donations with receipts (or other qualified proof of donation)
  • Driver’s license (required by some states)
  • A copy of last year’s tax return
  • Childcare info and expenses

Just like prepping for a week in the gym or a weekend competition, take the time to gather this info before filing. You are sure to be on your way to a successful and efficient tax filing session.

Work better with a checklist? No problem!

We’ve got you covered—head over to our Free Printables page and download our Taxes 101 checklist. It’s got notes for all the important things you may need and plenty of space to jot stuff down. Once you’re finished, it’s like a chalkboard WOD for your tax info! All you have to do now is burn it out on when you file.

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