e-File your taxes for free with 1040.com's Free File Edition.
Let's get startedYou qualify to file FREE federal taxes if you:
*Those who don't qualify for a free return can prepare and e-file their federal and state taxes for just $29.99.
Need to file a state return?
If you qualify for a free federal return, you may also qualify for a free state return.
Otherwise, state return preparation is just $25.
Choose your state to learn more:

100% Accurate Guarantee
Our calculations are checked thoroughly every year to ensure accuracy. We stand by our arithmetic and will reimburse any penalties and interest incurred due to a math snafu.
100% Accurate Guarantee
We work diligently to ensure the accuracy of the calculations on every form prepared using the Service. If you are a registered user and you pay an IRS or state penalty and/or interest solely because of a calculation error on a form prepared using the Service, and not as a result of, among other things, your failure to enter all required information accurately, your failure to review any data transferred, converted, retrieved or imported from another source into the Service, such as form W-2 wage data, for accuracy and completeness, omission of information, inclusion of inaccurate information on your tax return or extension, misclassification of information on the tax return or extension, or failure to file an amended return to avoid or reduce an applicable penalty/interest after we and our service providers announced updates or corrections to the Service in time for you to file an amended return, then we will reimburse you in the amount of the IRS or state penalty and/or interest paid by you to the IRS or state. In this regard, you are responsible for keeping us apprised promptly of any change in your email address, mailing address and/or phone number so that you can be notified of such updates or corrections. In order to receive such reimbursement, you must follow the notification requirements below.
If you believe such a calculation error occurred, you must notify us in writing at Drake, c/o 1040.com Tax Service, 235 East Palmer Street, Franklin NC USA 28734, as soon as you learn of the mistake (and in no event later than 30 days from the date the penalty or interest is assessed). You must include (i) a copy of the IRS/state notice, (ii) evidence of payment of the specified penalty and/or interest, (iii) a copy of the applicable hardcopy tax return, and (iv) your Service username and email address you used to set up your account. You are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe and providing any other information we reasonably request. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFICALLY ALLOWED BY LAW, THE FOREGOING SETS FORTH YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AGAINST DRAKE AND OUR SERVICE PROVIDERS WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS RELATING TO THIS GUARANTEE, ALLEGED COMPUTATIONAL ERRORS OR INACCURACIES IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICE.
Track Your Refund
You will be able to start tracking your refund at the IRS Where's My Refund? site once your federal return is showing as accepted in your 1040.com account.
Track my refundHelp Options and Supported Forms
Hit a snag?
No problem at all. Our Support Team is ready to lend a hand via FFASupport@1040.com and Live Chat after you log in from January to April.
Want to make sure you have all the forms you need?
Check out our full list of supported forms.