Tax guide

How do I get my IRS PIN?

Updated for filing 2021 tax returns

An IP PIN is a security measure that helps prevent fraudulent use of Social Security Numbers. An IP PIN is not the same thing as a taxpayer identification number, such as a Social Security Number, individual taxpayer ID, or an Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN).

To get an IP PIN that is lost, forgotten, or never arrived in a CP01A Notice, use the IP PIN request portal at If you can’t access your IP PIN online, call (800) 908-4490 for help getting your IP PIN reissued.

Don't file your tax return without your IP PIN. Your return will only be accepted with your correct IP PIN, even if you have prior-year AGI.

To learn more, see our Tax Guide page on IP PINs.

Note: You may need to set up an account for verification, but the IRS will be transitioning away from facial recognition technology by the end of February 2022.

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